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  1. Link-182

    Will Link Have a Family?

    Interview with Miyamato. http://wii.ign.com/dor/objects/872155/the-legend-of-zelda-wii/videos/miyamoto_inv_e3.html Older than he was previously, more approaching adulthood. Well he is older than Twilight Princess link. There is your proof. Now that I'm right, we can stop this dumb debate lol...
  2. Link-182

    Will Link Have a Family?

    Where'd you read that Ember Incubus? Where did it ever confirm he was between 10 and 17? Thats a pretty big age gap to confirm lol It WAS confirmed that Link is older than Twilight Princess Link. You can even see it if you search Skyward Sword on IGN, there is a video of Miyamoto saying it...
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