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  • Users: Salem
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  1. Salem

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the last new game I played I completed it back in January, I mostly played old games since then. It's great but I dunno what to rate, the class system was kinda annoying. I haven't played Future Redeamed yet.
  2. Salem

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Wow I also liked it, I literaly don't know anyone else who've seen, shame it doesn't have a sequel.
  3. Salem

    Rate The Last TV Series That You Watched

    Bojack Horseman 8/10. It was nice while it lasted ;)
  4. Salem

    What if Link speaks.... but only at the very end?

    No, it'll cause a glitch in reality.
  5. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

    couldn't sleep.
  6. Salem

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Luigi's Mansion 3.
  7. Salem

    Ocarina of Time (N64) Save damage question (Heart Pieces)

    The only way to be sure to is too have a checklist and check each and every one.
  8. Salem

    Half-Life: Alyx Coming to VR

    Is this Half-life 3?
  9. Salem

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    Yeah it is a wild ride, try not to spoil later stories.
  10. Salem

    Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

    My Hero Academia Food Wars I also watched Kimetsu no yaiba and Erased recently.
  11. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Is it okay to retype my "rate your day" posts here?
  12. Salem

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Adams Family (2019). 7/10 Not terrible, but I the plot felt like it should have been a couple of TV show episodes, not a story for a feature length movie.
  13. Salem

    Rate The Last TV Series That You Watched

    Lol, wasn't that episode seen as a highlight of the show? The show in general has lots of cringe
  14. Salem

    How well do you sleep?

    I either oversleep or under sleep.
  15. Salem

    Rate The Last TV Series That You Watched

    The man in the High Castle, I liked it, but I felt the last season was a little weak, not a very interesting payoff.
  16. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    too much work.
  17. Salem

    Franchises you're glad you never got into

    I not sure of never got into per say, but I quit walking dead mid season 8
  18. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Don't you wish sometimes you wanna decapitate yourself because of a painful headache? Also Prison Break is a great show.
  19. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

    nearly 24 hour headache.
  20. Salem

    Zelda's biggest sin/mistake

    unskippable cutscenes(and item pickup ones).
  21. Salem

    Gender ratios in Zelda

    I may be wrong but, it's there a higher female ratio of characters in the series?
  22. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Weeks Ago, I got transferred to a new Department, until now I wasn't given any major work to do, I feel like an idiot.
  23. Salem

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The hole in the Ground. 7/10.
  24. Salem

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Captain Marvel. 8/10
  25. Salem

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    As in Mega Man? Thats's nice, have you played any other MM game before?
  26. Salem

    Does Link's Awakening herald more 2D remakes for Zelda?

    Hopefully that doesn't preclude Original 2D Zeldas( that have original world maps unlike ALBW).
  27. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I overslept. My brother was complaining about unimportant ****.
  28. Salem

    Link's Awakening Switch Are you going to play (or replay) LA before its remake is released?

    Oh yeah, I do plan too, it becomes easier to notice changes because the older game is fresh.
  29. Salem

    Link's Awakening Switch Which version will you prefer the most?

    Dude, it's too early to tell, although I wanna say I like the DX version's colour scheme, but the original is not half bad. To be more specific, some minor were different in the original, like the owl statues which were simple stop slabs.
  30. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Nowadays, it seems I'm either sleepy or I have a headache. Basically this past month or so.
  31. Salem

    Which game is best at night?

    I don't understand, do you mean the in game time of day? (as in when after sunset in when stores close) Or do you mean when in real life time?
  32. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My blood pressure was slightly high today,. It must be the Brufen.
  33. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    That's true.
  34. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm 30 years old and I still don't know what I'm doing with my life.
  35. Salem

    Thanks dude, can't believe I'm 30.

    Thanks dude, can't believe I'm 30.
  36. Salem

    Equality in video games (Not sure what to call this topic honestly)

    If someone wants to add "diverse" or "minority" characters, even for purely superficial reasons, so what? Why is it something that needs to be discussed again and again?
  37. Salem

    Rate Your Day

    Same here, I felt sleepy most of the day.
  38. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Anxious about tomorrow.
  39. Salem

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    IT 8/10 I liked it, but I don't think it was scary.
  40. Salem

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Somehow I'm positive.
  41. Salem

    Where Do You Spend Your Time Outside The Dungeon (Informer)?

    I used to browse Kingdom Hearts Insider and Nintendo Database. But other than that, just Reddit.
  42. Salem

    Do You Ever Intentionally Mispronounce Words?

    I used to pronounce Jabu Jabu as "joba joba" for some reason, but even after discovering the real pronunciation, I still pronounced it stupidly. Maybe not intentionally, but for the longest time I used to think Ocarina is pronounced Osha-rain-yah.
  43. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

  44. Salem

    What advice would you give your younger self?

    Audit, basically finance Anything else tbh.
  45. Salem

    What advice would you give your younger self?

    Choose a better career.
  46. Salem

    What Annoyed You Today?

    People at work. Also, I overslept.
  47. Salem

    Breath of The Wild 2

    I'll be okay with a Botw style games, I just want more challenging and complex dungeons. Also the music, it's not THAT memorable.
  48. Salem

    New 2d Zelda games

    I just hope they make a new overworld for future 2D Zelda games.
  49. Salem

    Dominion Rod

    You only use for the dungeon you find it in and to unlock the next dungeon, a glorified key.
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