Hooray! All zero likes saved Trio the Punch's pants! I would like to thank *cricket chirps* for fixing his problem by doing absolutely nothing!
:Le gasp: You poor soul. How could anyone live with such a handicap? Liking this post will hepl Trio the Punch get his zipper unstuck. 1 like = 1000 pliers!
Lawl, three people explained what 5 Guys is. >:( I don't know why but that makes me very angry. :) Now I'm happy again. :S But this happiness confuses me. :rolleyes: Whatever.
You guys are horrible. I hope you all are killed by giant squid while deep sea diving so no one will post in this thread anymore and I will win as I rightfully should.
No. I suck at breaking the 30 character limit. Can someone please teach me the best method, the one that doesn't leave the break tags and the text in between them?