i think it was one but then she split her self up into 3 goddesses because they only had one goddess in skyward sword so maybe thats when she split her self to match the tri-force
phantom hour glass is way better because it is longer and has more content and spiret traks only has 5 temples or so and its over be4 u know it so phantom hour glass is way better.
i didnt like it thAT much like the old thunder cats it was the same thing all the time so like the bad guy comes link defeats it then happy ending and that it like no plot to it i would like to see how they make it like the games and like different each time like show him doing adventures with...
i got my ocrina from songbirdocarina.com its awesome they have so many and they have video game music for the ocarina they even have a whole song book full of the ocarina songs from legend of zelda
I also agree it evloved into ordon and the faron reigon because in Tp there is no korkiri so i think ist did like over time be renamed and then like maybe links son ended up living were his father lived be4 him like that sort of thing.
i think TP because i love the story the grahpics and well everything because its just such a good game i cried at the very end because its so beautiful so by a long shot twilight princess wins on my half
i think both because they have diffrent dance styles like fi does bAllet and ghirahim does like hip hop or somthing so really it all depends on wht they are dancing to
I LOVE THE TWILIGHT PRINCESS MOVEMENT BECAUSE ITS MY FAVORITE GAME and like i liked the way they mixed all the music toghter so it nice and long so i can listen to for a longer period of time.
i think maybe because they say like there followers got trapped with the ancestors of mindia so maybe they were the garo but maybe not because theres not enough proof to this so maybe maybe not so i dont really think its true but it could be.
Well that makes sense and all but u have to think of zelda to because she also turns into one but they say there race was wipped out by like a battle of some kind i think so i really dont agree to that theory
i think that the heros clothing are like passed to each link so its the same clothing but different generation so then after each time its give they some how get the heroes clothing back but it must have all started with ether oot or SKYw because link gets his tunic from the nights academy so...
i think so because navi dissapers for who knows how long so maybe like during this time navi lost her memory then she forgot her name and they gave her a name and she just used that name .For her name because she has no memory at all.
i thin khe just used his magic on hiom to make him look like his son so thats y and like the son is some were else so maybe the son was the first deku scrup he first saw
i think one link is like father then the next one is son so think like ever so generation theres a link so i think there all ment to look the same and there are some clues in TP like about the shadow warrior (cant think of the name right now ) he says my child and also says that he defeated...
well i think when link was going back in time to the past in Oot they some how got split up and then hes trying to look for navi in majors mask because thats how it starts out in the game