You are exactly right about the Smash bros. info. Okay here's a breif overview: each game tends to have its own storyline, but I'll talk about the Radiance series, because they are my favorite. Okay, Here goes: all that you do in the games is on the continent of Tellius, which has two main species: the Beorc, or humans, and the Laguz, which are half-human shape shifters that can turn into different species. There are Cat, Tiger, Lion, Raven, Hawk, Heron, and Dragon laguz. The two main species have a ton of disttrust and hate eachother. In the game, you control Ike and his band of mercenaries in a turn- based combat strategy RPG (it's not as bad as it sounds) as they attempt to save Crimea, their homeland,from the clutches of the country of Daien(i assume it's pronounced day-in) which is under the control of an evil king, Mad King Ashnard (I know, who would be so cruel as to name their kid that!?). It is an epic series with a great storyline. I highly reccomend it.