bunny Feb 2, 2012 Yes! Such yumminess. :yes: That's it! Tomorrow morning I am definitely making a cup of coffee.
bunny Feb 2, 2012 Oooh... Coffee sounds good. :puppy: My mom buys this really good creamer stuff... it's like... cinnamon or something. I dunno, but it's amazing. 8D
Oooh... Coffee sounds good. :puppy: My mom buys this really good creamer stuff... it's like... cinnamon or something. I dunno, but it's amazing. 8D
bunny Feb 2, 2012 Caffeine is always important to me... I'm always sleepy... Especially at school! Civics is such a struggle to stay awake in...
Caffeine is always important to me... I'm always sleepy... Especially at school! Civics is such a struggle to stay awake in...
bunny Feb 2, 2012 Ah, migraines... That's no fun. But it's always nice to get out of school early... :xd:
bunny Feb 2, 2012 Yes. xD Well, the hand one was awesome! I'm still having trouble on the folds in clothing and whatnot... But that's natural, I suppose. Have you beat Skyward Sword yet? :?
Yes. xD Well, the hand one was awesome! I'm still having trouble on the folds in clothing and whatnot... But that's natural, I suppose. Have you beat Skyward Sword yet? :?
bunny Feb 1, 2012 :xd: I'll have to send it tomorrow because my grandparents are over, thus I'm in my room again.
bunny Feb 1, 2012 Sounds amazing. :yes: I finished another drawing today! It's chibi Ichigo and Renji fighting over a cookie! I'll send it to you through swapnote. ^^
Sounds amazing. :yes: I finished another drawing today! It's chibi Ichigo and Renji fighting over a cookie! I'll send it to you through swapnote. ^^
bunny Jan 26, 2012 pretty good! My hands have improved greatly! I'm starting to get the hang of things. ^^
bunny Jan 26, 2012 Hm. Well, I've mostly been practicing... So... Most of the drawings are random hands, ears, hair, and eyes... :xd:
Hm. Well, I've mostly been practicing... So... Most of the drawings are random hands, ears, hair, and eyes... :xd: