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  • Hey i saw your post on the discussion board of Sasha's? And OH MY GOD YOU'RE RIGHT. I can't reply there as I dn't have enough privileges yet or something, but seriously you're onto something. Her Titan has pointy ears right? And that seems to be a big indication of the Jaeger line as only Eren, his father and (coughcough) the Beast Titan have pointy ears! So I think you're right, I think maybe Ymir's like his great great great aunt or something??? 0_0 it's all coming together!
    I'm wondering if their projectile explosives meant to blow the nape away in a single shot, allowing ranged attacks?
    Interesting hypothesis... But it makes a lot of sense when you think about it :)
    Well it seems like that's the MAIN thing that gets them killed, being at such close range to grabby hands etc.
    Hi! :) Welcome to ZD :D

    I added your friend code :) I'm currently doing The Fortress challenges. But I'll be more than glad to help you out on the earlier areas :D Just message me ^^
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