Hmmm, well I actually am and 18 year old French Canadian who lives a few hours from London, you saw the name of my town in the tornado video I PM'd you. Very few have seen what I actually look like, with two girls saying they wanted to move to Canada after seeing me, can't say I'm too concerned though...I like to compare myself to Kakashi in this sense, he looks good but likes to keep his face unknown to most, the reason why is unknown. What I am not is a God in any way, I call myself a Digital God for fun though, it's a long story linked to me using Pain as a theme way back when I first joined ZD in November of 2011...Pain called himself a God so I chose to call myself a Digital God, yep. But wait, if nobody is who they say they are...does that mean you aren't a 19 year old Canadian girl named Maria?
In all seriousness I couldn't force you to meet me in person of course, just figured maybe it could be interesting, also I would actually be able to give you some Pokemon in person that way as you can't seem to get your Wi-Fi to work yet. Hmmm, I more or less hate the same things you hate to that extent, don't even have my license yet because I lack interest in driving--because my parents have forced me to I've been trying to study the driver's handbook so I can get a license though, however since the book is mind numbingly boring I haven't gotten far in it. I have a few real weapons around my bed, a machete, battle axe, hunting knife, and other things...the axe used to be on the wall but after it fell off a few times I figured maybe it would be safer to have it lying next to my bed instead. Sometimes my mom's friends's kids are over and I don't want an axe falling on them, eheheh. Guess it's good to know you wouldn't hit me, hahah, you are indeed a pretty decent person.