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  • Haha, I talk soooo fast sometimes. I was on a staff chat with John and Mases and John was like: "SLOW DOWN!"
    Nice idea for a fic. I love the Percy Jackson series. Obsessively. :D Sounds interesting.
    No, no. Just a joke :P And cool, I am really talkative but only to nice people and I day dream a lot.
    Yep! Done :3 Btw, love the whole othernavi thing going on. It wouldn't suprise me if you constantly went around going "HEY HEY LISTEN LISTEN HEY!"
    Somewhere is experiencing a bit of trouble. Boredemons running around everywhere. I'm busy cleaning them up D:
    What about yourself?
    I have a an awesome brain teaser here. Think of similarities between Zelda and Mario! :D MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'll reveal some more l8r this week.

    P.S. I'm writing from Jamaica!!!! Yahoo!
    On Saturday, I was forced to wear embarassing green clothes and a stupid Christmas elf hat, saved some rude pirate girl from being abducted by a giant bird, my kid sister got captured by the same bird, I was catapulted into some scary fort by barrel, I lost my sword, yet again by the same frickin' bird, I get tossed a couple hundred miles to God knows where, a talking boat saved my sorry butt, I ran around inside a mountain/volcano with a lot of wannabe zubats and grimers (poison type pokemon X( ) I saved a pudgy dragon with man boobs from a large, reincarnated parasite that was pulling on the same dragon's tail, I met a tree who mistook me for a legendary hero, (foreshadowing?) I went inside a large thorny tree looking for an onion person who was almost killed by a man eating flower, I met a talking, fat whale, I was launched into a tower that looked massive, yet was only 3 floors, got the dead Master Sword, killed that same frickin' bird, saved my sister, found out that my talking boat is the king of Hyrule, and that the same pirate girl is Princess Zelda, found a couple sages, restored power to my epic sword, and killed Ganondorf.
    And how was your weekend Majora's Mask Link?
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