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  • Woah, I love your profile background! It's really cool, love the colour scheme.
    If you want to give D&D a try, you should check the game I started on here, Zelda Dungeoning.
    Basically, a "watered down" version of D&D I started here. In some ways it's faster game play than D&D, because it's up 24/7, but in others it's not, because not everyone is always on and such. Just thought that a simplified type game can be a good intro to the genre if you'd like to give it a try.
    </shameless self promotion>
    No, I haven't actually. I may look into it sometime. I need to read more.
    Meh. You should watch some later episodes. They're normally better. (that is if you're watching from the start)
    Yah. Dib is Zim's arch nemesis. He's a human obsessed with aliens....like Zim. Gir regularly creeps him out and generally does what Gir does. Be weird. (Gir is in my avatar)
    No, sadly. :< They're still loose because I didnt get Portal 2 because it's sold out everywhere! D:
    So how have you been Navers?
    Hi theothernavi why did you say "Aww thanks." in your post at The depths of hyrule(sign up).
    I read it and liked it! Great detail(especially in the first paragraph). The prologue reminds me of the prologue of Demigods of Hyrule. I can't wait to read the rest of your story.
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