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  • Np, I was just looking up my WiiU username. Blue-Star9000.
    Thursday evening Jade's available, and Friday I'm available for this week. I gotta clean up my town. :P Also, we have Pokemon Y! Battle us sometime!
    You know, that was the idea I had with Animal Crossing too. Get another one and transfer items/characters. The price went down on the game, so we'll have to pick up another copy soon!

    I hope they announce an Animal Crossing WiiU soon. That would be great~
    Lol, actually, I'm R. You must have told J; she's the one who sends out the cards, usually. Either that, or I forgot, lol. J's got the newish job (I think she did mention that one to you) and I'm still at the Foods/Museum. #unaccomplishedme
    For fun, we did get a Wii U. Add us if you and Bob ever get one! Oh, and J did get her own 3DS too. Though we don't have another copy of Animal Crossing yet. XD
    Oh, you guys moved? Near to where you were?

    We'd love to visit, though it's hard getting the same time off for us. D: We will visit one day though. Hopefully soon! And I agree, we should get together on Animal Crossing or Pokemon or something regularly. Or even here. Hinas mentioned that it'd be great to start up that Pokemon RP again, now that we've played a little bit of Y and know about it.
    oh gosh yes im stressed. it doesnt help that I have mutliple stress related disorders, but eh I dont really think theres is a way for you to really help me.
    well... I have completely lost all sense of a sleep schedule. for me 2 hours is normal, but sometimes I dont even get that much... I dont really eat anymore unless forced to, and I just reacently got over a really awful habit..., on the upside I finally did find a Hobby though, and I have made some amazing friends.
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