F F fredthehylian May 13, 2011 Aye, the ancient language of Rome is a fine one. I'm not an expert at it, but I can spot what phrases I learn.
Aye, the ancient language of Rome is a fine one. I'm not an expert at it, but I can spot what phrases I learn.
F F fredthehylian May 9, 2011 Uh, does your nickname underneath your username happen to be Latin for "You are stupid"?
penguinboy82 Apr 9, 2011 I don't know you, but happy brthday, squid-guy. Ich kenne dich nicht, aber alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Kalmare-guy.
I don't know you, but happy brthday, squid-guy. Ich kenne dich nicht, aber alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Kalmare-guy.
theothernavi Mar 28, 2011 Squid, I've posted a forum in fan works and need people to check it out. Thanks!
Hylian Knight Mar 23, 2011 They did use a different version of Gerudo Valley in TP if that's what you're asking.
Hylian Knight Dec 6, 2010 You have interesting User Name it's really cool and when I saw it I just check out your Profile.