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  • I wouldn't know...I don't really know what happened with you and the other members here, and No, don't ever say that...just keep looking forward and that your family and friends are there for you. They want you to exist...maybe some members around here have said they don't though, once again I don't know.
    I think I know who it is...

    anyway, I see you are leaving. I doubt I'll see you around either...I only know that you hang around at ZT and personally I don't really like that site.

    So I guess this will be one of the last times I speak to you.
    wow, by (sg) do you mean a certain member? or something else...

    Also if anyone is treating you badly report them to a Superior of the site, they should help you sort it out.

    and your Autistic? o_O...never knew that
    Hello! Thanks for what you sent me, I wasn't sure about a second quest in AOL. So, we just began with 8-8-8 in our levels and that is all?
    Thanks! It's nice to know that someone actually read that threat and had thoughts about it because there has not been a single post on that thread. Thanks once again for your insight!
    Hey there, sorry I've been gone so long, I like to get lazy sometimes :D

    Happy 8th birthday ZeldaDungeon!
    That would be true lucaria seems like a wonderful place, did you know I have my own Aura too!
    May I hear those stories please, Lucario is my #1 best in Brawl then R.O.B.
    What do you mean by rep, do u have a bad one? oh and also I love Lucario he is a cool guy i use him in Brawl alot:D
    thx there is this site called the otaku where you can take a bunch of quizes. and then post on your sites
    PLease try to check up on it once in a while to make sure it hasn't been trashed. I would appreciate it greatly.
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