Beauts Jun 26, 2015 It might seem a little early and I see you're away but it's the 27th here now so, happy birthday! I hope you have/had fun!
It might seem a little early and I see you're away but it's the 27th here now so, happy birthday! I hope you have/had fun!
InsomniacAttack Jun 19, 2015 I'm gone Sunday until July 3rd. My Birthday is the 27th, so please don't think I'm ignoring you when I don't respond to any messages here!
I'm gone Sunday until July 3rd. My Birthday is the 27th, so please don't think I'm ignoring you when I don't respond to any messages here!
A Link In Time May 18, 2015 Hey, thanks for the follow. I don't believe we've ever spoken. How's it going?