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  • Drowned out as a music and CD player? The XBox also has these features. How come you don't disapprove of that as well?
    I'm glad to see that you decided to stay Fred. In fact to be quite honest, I'm ecstatic. Overjoyed even. *jumps into ceiling*
    k I won't take it seriously. *laughs out loud* Well you told me not to take it seriously so I didn't take it seriosly.
    Mases suggested that I change it to something less "generic". I figured, making it MrMosley, would be a bit more personal, since that is my last name. And I couldn't change it to my middle name (which is what I go by), which is Caleb, because we already have one of those. And I don't go by my first name, so. My friends call me MrMosley, and I figured that would work.

    By the way, thanks~
    Try photobucket.com i think there are more but idk
    I know that! I was referring to the youtube giant fred! :lol: anyways, i just thought i'd say hi anyway...I see you're a fan of South Park! I love it too!
    (well i see yo like Kenny!)
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