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Firice da Vinci
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  • I haven't played Sacred Stones yet, but I hhave played Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is a pretty awesome game! :)
    Ai! Do I know the feeling?! I had a basketball game Wednesday night, the day I got sick, against a tough team. The only reason I went is because I knew we would have absolutely NO CHANCE to win if I didn't show up. It wasn't too bad, except when I was sitting on the bench, staring at my water. I made an oath to myself that when I get better, I will drink exactly 3 quarts of water...
    Haha. :P Seems stressful.... Eh, at least we have ZD. Btw, I have a "sore throat," not a "pain in the neck." That was the literal translation. Lolz
    Lolz. Πολύ ωραία. Μόλις κατέβηκε με μια ασθένεια. Ακριβώς ένα πόνο στο λαιμό, αλλά έχω απουσιάζουν από το σχολείο για τρεις μέρες τώρα. But, meh... I suppose that's not a bad thing, is it? :P
    Γεια σας, Φωτιά και Πάγος. Πώς είσαι σήμερα?
    Thanks for the compliment on the banner!! ^_^ My usual style is to make a signature, and then just keep my avatar blank, something I've always done, but maybe I'll get to work on a few of em.
    You have to adjust the order in which the layers appear. In the little yellow boxes, there are numbers. Number one is placed first, and so on.
    Hey can you make the sig and avatar Vaati instead of the picori. Make the background dark purple with lighting and the effects you have on your avatar, the avatar the upper torso and head of Vaati. I don't care what pose.
    Screen capture mostly, I have reasearched the dazzle for screen capture on a TV. But not sure what to do for handhelds. I figured just emulate w/ narration?
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