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Ember Incubus
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  • hey ember, i got -9 rep. because i was expressing how much i liked the smilies...WTF? what did i do? its now illegal to put 5 smilies in a row?...i just find it a stupid reason to give someone bad rep...thought i might share...
    Oh. But still, this is a zelda site. The only SS we would talk about is Skyward sword.
    yah i know i am one of those people who cant stand the train
    I have played though MC before. I was just was askinging what is ZSS I think it is syward sword but then I saw the z and got confused.
    Oh, my bad. Thanks for the info!!!
    I joined the Wot thingy :3 trying to join the fan work
    same really, just trying to kill time <->
    Thanks for the add! Like your poems... ^-^
    You falsley de-repped me. That is an infraction worthy offence you know.
    I'm not reporting you for now, but don't get de-rep happy just because someone disagrees with you.
    I didn't know that your Reputation Bars played a role to it. o_O
    Anyways, it must be some sassy Hylian noble. :dry:
    Again, sorry about accusing you.

    "Not once in the game is the phrase"
    I got de REPed for saying a "race's medallion" was cannon. Even though Darunia said so. :lol:
    I don't know. But I do have suspicion.
    :sweat: If it honestly wasn't you, I'm very, very, very, very sorry about that.
    If you really did, I lost 50 rep points just because of that! D:
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