Sasha! DL. DarkLink! I joined this server when I was just a kid. I'm not much more now, but I am an entirely different person. And I want you to know that when I was a part of this server a lot, I always thought of you as my best friend. I didn't have many friends then, did you know that? Now I have people I wouldn't get rid of for the world in my life. I miss talking to you each day, asking what was up, slowly getting better at typing. Then life happened. Life always happens. But I come back now and then. I'll come back after this, of course. But I haven't been on for months, and I've no idea when I'll be on again. Thank you so much for being my friend. I don't want to lose you, so if you want to exchange contact info or whatever I'd love to. (Oh, and I really like the new name, sorry for not responding. =D ) Thanks for being such a big part of my growing up, I never want to forget you.