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  • Yoooooo, happy birthday bro!!! I bet you walked into a bar at 12 am today to buy a case of Jack Daniels. I hope and pray everything is working out well with life and we look forward to your return.
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    Reactions: Chevywolf30
    I am playing with the idea of swinging by a liquor store later, not for booze, but to get my picture with the "you have to be born on this date" sign since it'll have my exact bday on it.
    Update 2:
    We've been pretty blessed through all this. Beryl was "only" a category 1 'cane, so non of the damage was too severe, think tornado level, just VERY widespread where a tornado has a single path it follows. Our sending church's pastor (from the same area as us) gave us a generator, so we've been able to run the fridge off that, and we also bought a window unit A/C. Not sure when to expect power to come back on, it'll likely be back sometime this week. Power's out at work also so I've just been at home all day, plenty of gaming and reading time. Just wanted to say things are going as well as you could expect in the aftermath of a natural disaster, this'll be my last update before power comes back on, then it's back to full-time sneeding, and I might give a more detailed report.
    Burning some phone battery and data for an update: I'm alive. Power's out, lots of cleanup and whatnot to do over the next few days. I stayed up so late last night I ended up falling asleep just before the worst of it hit. Kinda annoyed about that but I did see some storm. Be back whenever.
    There once was a man from Peru
    Who dreamed he was eating his shoe
    He awoke with a fright
    In the middle of the night
    To find that his dream had come true
    Ever get the feeling that you've got something going on that's gonna be a major life event, the kind of thing that you divide your life into before and after it?
    I think they both did, idk. Sometimes stuff isn't meant to be, that's life. This is getting kind of weird for a profile post discussion too.
    Thing is, she and I almost being a couple is part of a really major subplot this year has been having, and I'm trying to decide how much if any I want to tell. I hate being cryptic, I'd rather this hadn't come up at all, but at the same time I kinda wanna get it off my chest.
    You could tell us in PMs if you didn't want it just anywhere, we've already come this far so maybe talking about it could bring you some closure.
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