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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
doing that might out the OG spiderman which you literally just said shouldn’t out themselves
Zinger said he chose real Spider-Mam randomly after finishing the roles. That, plus the fact that we likely all have 'legitimate' Spider-Man titles, means that the actual names are highly unlikely to out the original.
Jun 15, 2020
The sun rises on a new Day. The birds are chirping in the trees, the squirrels are gathering nuts, and morning dew sparkles on blades of grass. Somewhere, out there, a Spider-Man is swinging around, protecting his city.


You didn't really think this would be that easy, did you?

Oh no! That wasn't morning dew sparkling on the grass, that was pieces of Spidercide! It seems you really can't keep a good clone down. Or, bad clone down, I guess. I meant good as in strong, skilled, capable, etc. Not, like, kind, compassionate, or forgiving. I digress. Spidercide has come back from the dead!

But that's not all, True Believers. It's been a busy Night! And while one evil clone was busy coming back from the dead, another was busy becoming dead. You all awake to find a stain on the floor where Poyzin used to be. He died a horribly gruesome death! There's barely enough left to identify him by. Fortunately, security footage caught it all on camera or you'd have no clue who this pile of ash even was. It seems Poyzin was none other than the Mafia Aligned Spider-Carnage!

While the union of Spider-Man and the Carnage symbiote might have been short-lived,
it wasn't so short that Marvel didn't make a ton of
Spider-Carnage Action Figures!

It's a revolving door of Mafia-Spider-Clone deaths! Who's going to bite the dust next?


The Day 2 Deadline is set for 84 hours from now. Day 2 will end on July 27th at 11 AM Eastern time. Click here for an accurate countdown.
Last edited:
Aug 22, 2019
You guys do realize that because spidercide is a fluid or blob or something like that that can reform, killing him normally isn't gonna help. Someone's gotta have an ability to trap him or exile him or something, which is the only way I see him actually being gone right now.
I knew we shouldn't have trusted SMS...

Also,, to the players that have been doing this the longest, I want opinions, does the following match up with anyone elses style

I just said it would be cool. I want expecting you to trust me. This is about me reaching my motivation of knowing if I'm the real Spider-Man or not. After all, that is important info for all of us, but mostly for me. It would be far easier for me to win if I knew for certain that I was a clone (winning is significantly harder if I'm the real deal). So if I misunderstood and everyone can get a piece of the Tevish pie, go ahead. And even if he can only share with a single person, I can't stop y'all from throwing your hat in the ring. I was just being a little selfish. I guess that's not something a Spider-Man is allowed to do, huh?
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