I awoke early in the morning to the lapping of the cool water from our pool caressing my skin. I turned to find my brother, Sidon snoozing peacefully at the surface of the water, with tiny ripples spreading out around him.  I sighed peacefully and wondered what he was dreaming about. I gently kissed his head and then waded out and started to get ready for the day.

Father had told me last night that he was ready to discuss my request of being a Champion. Despite already having accepted it myself, I wanted to honor my father by asking for his blessing. Even Princess Zelda understood that I needed to make my request known to both my family and my people, before accepting blindly.

My hands shook as I placed my tiara on my head; it felt heavier. There was so much on the line. What if Father denied my request? Who else would be up for the task? Would the Zora refuse to play their part in helping against the threat? So many thoughts swirled through my mind as I continued to prepare for the meeting with my father. I took a deep breath as I left our chambers and made my way to the throne room.

The hallway from our chambers and out to the Domain was short, but it felt like an eternity as I walked. I still had to climb the stairs too. My chest felt tight, but I marched on. I should be more like Link, I thought as I felt the early morning sun shining down on me. The rays of light made me think of Link’s golden hair; oh how I missed my friend!  It had been many days since our adventure on Ploymus Mountain, and since then I had been gathering materials and precious jewels for a special gift that I had decided to make him.

Without thinking, I had climbed half the stairs leading to Father’s throne room. I turned and looked out at the main courtyard, to see that the inn had opened, and so had the shop. My people were waking and beginning their day. I turned my attention back to the stairs and entered into the glittering throne room. Water flowed down the waterways from above peacefully. Its streams covered the windows and gave the throne room even more of a glittering effect.  Father sat on his magnificent silver throne, and smiled as I entered.

“Good morning, my dear Mipha,” he said with a warm smile. My father was a large whale of a man, but despite his size he had a kind soul.

“Good morning Father. I hope you are well,” I replied, brightly. It was always a pleasure to see Father with a smile on his face.

Father always woke long before Sidon and I, and was often found in his throne room, overseeing Zora’s Domain. Today he was joined by two of the Zora elders: Muzu and Seggin, both long time counsel members and my father’s longest friends.

“Greetings Princess,” they both said in unison, as they bowed before me.

“Good morning Elders,” I replied, nodding my head in acknowledgement.

Both elders looked stiff and tense, and I wondered if they knew what Father was about to say.

Father shuffled on his throne and cleared his throat, “I have been giving much thought to your request. I appreciate King Rhoam and his daughter’s commission of our people, and I appreciate even more that Princess Zelda saw fit to tap you as the Zora Champion. After much thought and consideration, I give you my blessing.”

Muzu looked dumbfounded and he stared at my father in disbelief, before he huffed away without another word. He surely hadn’t been prepared for my father’s decision, and I knew right then that I didn’t have his support. Seggin’s face was covered in shock too, but he crossed his arms and stood stiffly in place.

“Thank you Father,” I said, trying to hide my excitement by bowing my head. I needed to remain calm in these moments. I was a princess, not a child, but still –  my prayers to the Goddess had been answered!

“My dearest Mipha…” Father’s voice began to shake, and tears sat on the edge of his eyes, “…you must promise me to return unharmed. I cannot bear to lose my precious daughter!”

My heart clenched, and I felt warm tears flow down my cheeks. I nodded furiously; I was at a loss for words as I tried to control my emotions. I knew how hard of a decision it must have been for my father to make, and I was sure it was against the elder’s wishes. I glanced at Seggin, but he refused to meet my gaze. A sense of guilt flooded my soul; I was putting the elders and potentially my people through turmoil. I approached my father’s throne and gazed up at him through the tears. “I promise to return to you, unharmed. Thank you.”

My tears flowed freely this time, and I noticed Sidon as he shuffled in sleepily. He rubbed his eyes and looked between the two of us, confused. I picked him up and hugged him tightly, and he buried his face in my shoulder. I would cherish every moment from now on! I didn’t know the future, but I wanted to be sure that I would have no regrets. In such a short time I had made the biggest commitment of my life! I could never forgive myself if I didn’t help Link, or the princess, or my people. I held Sidon closer and sat at Father’s feet. Zelda had reminded me that upon my father’s approval, I should send a messenger with the news that I would formally accept the honor of becoming the Zora Champion. Things would begin to happen swiftly, but in these moments I wanted to remain Mipha, beloved daughter, and cherished sister.



Days had passed since I sent a messenger to Hyrule Castle. I waited anxiously, and continued my duties here, as usual. In my spare time, I worked on my gift for Link; I had finally gathered all of the materials and I was hoping to finish it in time to present to him when we next met. Then I realized that it would probably not be appropriate to do that when meeting all of the other Champions together for the first time.

I wondered what each of the Champions would be like; I had seen Hylians, but I had never met a Goron, Rito, or Gerudo before. I had heard many stories from the travelers that visited the Domain, but I was excited to finally see the world for the first time! The roads throughout Hyrule were well traveled and I was sure that our messenger would be returning any day now with news on what I should do next.

“Mipha! Mipha, he’s back!” Sidon exclaimed joyfully, as he came running into our shared royal chambers. He blew the whistle that hung around his neck excitedly as he came to a stop in front of me.

I laughed at his boisterousness and asked, “Who is back?”

“Mister Jevi is back! He has a message for you, and he told me to tell you!” Sidon grinned toothily, and blew the whistle again.

“Well, let’s go find out what he has to say,” I replied, leading Sidon out into the Domain by hand.

We stepped into the sunshine and I admired the glittering waters around us. The Zora named Jevi stood patiently in the bustling courtyard, wearing a red sash and a messenger bag; he gave a low bow when we approached him.

“Good afternoon, Princess Mipha,” Jevi said with a smile, before greeting Sidon with a fond pat on the head, “I have returned with a message from Princess Zelda.”

“Thank you so much!” I took the envelope from him, and flipped it over. My name was written in beautiful blue ink and the envelope was sealed with a golden wax seal that held the Hylian royal crest.

“Open it, Mipha!” Sidon urged, as he jumped up to see the letter.

I smiled, and opened the letter gingerly. The words on the inside were written in Hylian, a language and script so beautiful that I was pleased that I had learned it.

        Princess Mipha,

        I am pleased to hear of your acceptance of becoming the Zora Champion. There is much work to be done, and your presence is requested at Hyrule Castle, at your earliest convenience. The other champions shall be making their way to the castle as well. I am anxious for everyone to come together and meet for the first time.

        Fret not as you will return home often, and your duties as the Princess of the Zora will not be compromised. I wish I could find the words to thank you, but know that I shall see you soon and be able to do so in person.

        May the Goddess guide your way,

        Princess Zelda

“I am to head to Hyrule Castle, as soon as I can.” The words fell from my mouth and Jevi and Sidon exchanged surprised glances and looked to me once more. I thought I had been prepared for days, but nothing prepared me to actually leave Zora’s Domain for the first time.

“You’ll be coming back, right?” Sidon questioned with a pout, reaching for my hand. He looked on the verge of tears.

I knelt to his level and hugged him tight, “Of course I will return!” I was certain of that, but I was not sure when.

“Princess…” Jevi inquired, politely, “Shall I notify the King?”

I nodded, “Yes, and please tell him that I shall meet with him shortly.”

Jevi nodded his understanding, and hustled off towards the throne room.

Sidon sniffed, and squeezed my hand tightly, “Can I come with you?”

My heart was breaking; Sidon had seemed so confident in my acceptance only days before, but he was so young, after all. I didn’t fully consider how this might affect him.  “Come now, we shall go see Father together.” I said with a smile, standing up and leading him to the throne room. We walked up the steps together and approached our father. Jevi gave a small wave as he exited past us.

“The messenger, Jevi, has told me of your letter from the Hylian princess,” Father began, softly. “You are to leave for Hyrule Castle as soon as you can. I knew that this day would come, and I have arranged for our best Zora knights to accompany you.” The look on his face made it obvious that he was building up to something, “My dearest daughter, I wish you safe travels, and may the Goddess smile upon you.” Then he stood and bowed to me.

My father, the king, bowed to me.

As I returned his bow, he lovingly rebuked me, “Mipha, I do not wish for you to bow your head in respect. It is I who respects you, not only as my daughter, but as our Champion.”

Tears escaped my eyes as I rushed to my father to hug him. “I will make you and our people proud.”

Chuckling, Father replied, “I am already proud. I just ask you to remember our promise.”



Father’s preparations had been made, the Zora knights were assembled, and my people stood by in the courtyard as I made my final farewells.

“Our dear Mipha has accepted the task of being our Champion,” my father announced to the crowd with pride.  “We have all heard the legend and are aware of the threat of Calamity Ganon’s return. I assure you that our people are in good hands.” Then he turned to me, as I clutched my trident in one hand, and Sidon’s in the other, and asked, “Mipha, do you wish you say anything?”

I released Sidon’s hand, and took a step forward, “I hope to make you all proud. I shall return soon. Please know that I will do my best as your Champion.”

The crowd of Zora’s cheered, and Sidon blew his whistle excitedly. I couldn’t help but smile. My adventure was about to begin! Father kissed my head, and I hugged Sidon a final time. I looked around for Seggin and Muzu, but they were not in attendance. I knew that they were unhappy with my choices, but it was time for me to be strong. I followed the Zora knights out of the courtyard, to the glittering bridge that led into the Domain. I could feel my legs shaking as my home became further and further away. When we reached the end of the Great Zora Bridge, I turned and looked at Zora’s Domain for what felt like the last time. As much as I would miss my home, I knew that my mission would take me so much further. I would soon dive into Ruto Lake, and we would follow Zora River into Central Hyrule. My accompanying knights smiled and allowed me to lead the way.

I jumped gracefully from the bridge and into the lake, trident in hand; my champions song had finally begun!


Heather Beard is a writer for Zelda Dungeon. She’s a (crazy) cat lady with a passion for Zelda lore, and really cheesy pizza. You can follow her adventures on Instagram and Twitter!

Artwork by Heather Beard.

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