image Zelda fans were able to see a lot of Tri Force Heroes footage during E3 2015, and Nintendo World Report has isolated the Forest Level boss fight clip from the conference. In this video you can hear epic boss fight music that is unique but also very fit for the Zelda universe. Whether this is the tune that plays during every boss battle, or just during this one fight with a souped-up giant Buzz Blob, is not known for sure at this time. Give the battle theme a listen and watch the Forest Level boss battle after the jump!

If the music in Tri Force Heroes continues to be of this orchestral quality, I’m sure I’ll have some new favorite Zelda songs by the time I’m finished with it. It’s also really interesting that the music changes when the players carry each other. This crazy Buzz Blob also has me excited for some distinctive boss battles, especially with the totem pole technique.

What do you think of the music in Tri Force Heroes thus far? Are you looking forward to hearing more? Do you think the boss battles will be more challenging with you needing to control multiple fighters? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube