When Nintendo announced that Link’s Awakening was coming to Switch, one of the things I loved was the opening scene animation from the trailer. Cut scenes are nothing new to the Zelda franchise, but there is something special about an animated cartoon that stirs up nostalgia in me. A Studio Ghibli style Zelda movie would certainly be a sight to see, in my opinion! This makes me wonder if fans would like to see a complete animated adaptation of Link’s Awakening.

I see Link’s Awakening as one of the shorter, more straight forward but emotive, self-contained stories in the franchise. There aren’t too many characters to detract from the action and I believe the theme elements of dreams, nightmares and the Wind Fish would suit an animated style. Sadly, Link’s Awakening does not have appearances from Princess Zelda or Ganondorf (Shadow of Ganon noted). Marin is however a sweet little character in her own right, who we warm to over the course of the game. The owl plays a role as advisor helping Link and it would be nice to see him flying and swooping around the island during the film. As for Link himself, he uses his facial expressions and body language primarily to communicate to the audience anyway, so it makes sense to use an animated style to show this.

Additionally, Koholint Island is a tropical paradise that would make a great setting for an animated Zelda film. Teaming with wildlife, bugs and exotic plants, it would make an interesting contrast to the more tense fighting scenes deep in the belly of dungeons.

So, would you be interested in a cartoon film of Link’s Awakening? Or is it too difficult to adapt an entire game into an animation? Maybe you are satisfied with the animated cut scenes in the game as they are? As always, your thoughts are what matters in this debate, so feel free to share them below!

This daily debate was inspired by: @Rhunewolf25

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