Daily Debate: Which Zelda Game Has the Saddest Story?
Posted on January 30 2025 by Chakell Herbert

The Legend of Zelda isn’t always about the happy endings. In fact, many of the games are filled with bittersweet moments that can make one’s heart die a little inside.
Think about it. In Ocarina of Time, Link returns to his own timeline and prevents the future he once lived from ever happening, leaving his heroic deeds and the relationships and bonds he formed as an adult to be forgotten by all. In The Wind Waker, Link and Zelda are forced to inherit a heavy burden from an ancient kingdom that now lies under the waves, never to be renewed. In Link’s Awakening, the entire island of Koholint and its inhabitants cease to exist in the end when the Wind Fish wakes. In A Link Between Worlds, Princess Hilda’s kingdom, Lorule, is wicked and dark due to the loss of its Triforce, leaving her to make a desperate and selfish attempt to steal another land’s relic. And then there is Majora’s Mask, where the entire world is facing its impending doom and each resident in Termina cope with this reality in the only way they know how: denial and despair.
The Legend of Zelda may be family friendly, but it sure tackles some heavy themes in each entry (except for Tri Force Heroes).
However, as I have started a fresh replay of Breath of the Wild, I can’t help but think that this could be the saddest Zelda game we have seen so far. We have beloved characters who did all they could to prevent an apocalypse, only for them to lose their lives and for the unthinkable to happen: they lost. After all their preparation, their skills, and the unbreakable relationships they built with each other, the Champions and Princess Zelda were ultimately bested by Calamity Ganon, leaving the entirety of Hyrule in ruins. I know that the initial gameplay tones down the reality of this post-apocalyptic Hyrule, but truly when you put all the puzzle pieces of the story together, the whole narrative is absolutely devastating.
However, I love the hope that Link and Zelda instill in this world, despite their initial failure. I know a lot of people don’t like the memory gathering system that allows you to understand the whole story, but when it’s all put together, I think Breath of the Wild is a melancholic, hopeful masterpiece. Truly I think this incarnation of Link and Zelda have seen the worst of what Ganon’s influence can do to the world!
What Zelda game makes you want to listen to your sad girl/boy playlist the most? Are there any moments in any title that moved you to tears? Let us know in the comments!

Chakell (pronounced shuh-kell) is an associate editor for Zelda Dungeon! She has loved The Legend of Zelda series since she was a little girl because of its equal mix of princesses, besting bad guys, and heartfelt stories. Chakell lives in the overall tame state of Utah, but holds onto her childhood hopes to find an adventure in her backyard one day. She has a degree in English and is a full-time editor for a magazine. You can usually find her gaming (obviously), laughing with her husband, taking a long time to tell stories because she keeps getting distracted; getting sucked into books and podcasts; or snuggling her cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.