The Zelda series is well known for its vast array of quirky characters. In fact, the various games contain hundreds of unique creatures, monsters, races, and individuals. Every one of these beings has a name. It is certainly a daunting task to come up with unique titles for such an expansive roster, but the Zelda team has done it again and again. That being said, not every name can be a winner. Some characters’ monikers have come through the Japanese to English translation in unintentionally strange or comical forms. So I ask you, which Zelda character or creature do you think has the weirdest name?

If I had to pick one name from across all the Zelda games that sounds the strangest, it would have to be the village elder from A Link to the Past. Be honest, who names their child Sahasrahla? The mousey Pols Voice (who suffers from a bad case of misophonia) from The Legend of Zelda would also make a good contender. What main characters do I think have the oddest names? It would have to be King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule from The Wind Waker, and his descendant King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule from Breath of the Wild.

But those are just my thoughts. What Zelda character do you think had the strangest name? Let us know in the comments.

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