With The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD only a week away, Nintendo recently provided details regarding its quality-of-life improvements. Along with a higher frame-rate, this remastered version will feature its fair share of other modernizations, including the ability to fast-forward dialogue and skip cutscenes altogether. It even appears to boast an autosave feature! Taken as a whole, Skyward Sword HD definitely looks to offer a much more streamlined experienced than the 2011 original.

For as appreciated as these additions are, though, there’s one change that has me singing praises toward the heavens of Skyloft: Fi’s hints are now optional. Without belaboring on this topic much more than I already have throughout the years, I’ve just got to reiterate that this was the change I was crossing my fingers for the most. Given that Fi’s all-too-frequent input was the greatest hindrance to the original game’s momentum, drastically mitigating this issue is a serious game changer.

In any case, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Among the improvements that have been shown, which one has you breathing the greatest sigh of relief? Let us know in the comments below!

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