The Legend of Zelda is an acclaimed series in its own right. Close to completing four decades, the franchise has consolidated itself even more with titles that innovate and stand out for different reasons; whether the classic Ocarina of Time for showing Hyrule in three dimensions for the first time, Twilight Princess for bringing the series back to more “realistic” graphics and implement sensory controls or Breath of the Wild, which gifted players with a magnificent and gigantic truly open world.

Within those and many others iconic entries, I believe that some of them still maintain their reign among fans mainly because of nostalgia. Be honest; have you ever found yourself revisiting a previous title in the series and thinking to yourself, “Okay, maybe this game was more appealing in my head”? Well, it happened to me recently while playing A Link to the Past via Nintendo Switch Online. Although it’s a very beautiful and complexly constructed game, during my playthrough I found it a little… I want to say repetitive! I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that I finished A Link Between Worlds relatively recently as well. Anyway, the fact is that unfortunately I had this feeling of “more of the same”. Perhaps this occurs more frequently in older titles, thanks to hardware limitations from back than.

What about you, what’s your hot take about that subject? Do you think any of the more praised titles in the series is overrated in the replay department? Is there any that you’ve only played once and never revisited? Let us know in the comments below.

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