It’s April 1st, and traditionally it’s a day for pranks and other forms of hilarity. In keeping with the April Fool’s Day humor I want to ask which Zelda game has the best humor?

In my opinion, Breath of the Wild has some of the best humor, funny actions, and one liners in the series. Some of the funniest moments stem from the things that Link does. From kicking a treasure chest with no shoes and hurting his foot, his face when he eats Dubious Food, or the funny stance he takes when wearing Kilton’s Lynel mask – Link has some funny expressions and movements. He can even make funny poses when he turns the Shiekah Slate on himself and poses.

He also encounters some quirky and rather hilarious Hylians. I’m thinking specifically of the Flower Lady, Magda. Her raging over stepping on her flowers made me laugh the first time I encountered that Shrine Quest. Her screaming, “THE FLOWERS RAGE.” Doesn’t get old. Master Kohga was a great source of comical relief as well. His boss battle was rather short, but it made me think at the end, “did that really just happen?” It almost felt like a joke.  Breath of the Wild is full of quite a few quirky characters and it’s really fun to interact with them and get a good laugh, especially since the game is set during and destroyed and calamitous Hyrule.

What do you think, do you agree with me? What Zelda game has the best humor? Let us know in the comments below.

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