With a range of different Zelda titles spanning over thirty years, the franchise has a large collection of unique characters. Although most games do not derail from the main characters of Link, Zelda, and some form of Ganon, there are some that have added interesting characters into the mix, like Groose in Skyward Sword or Hilda in A Link Between Worlds. Thus, every Zelda game has an array of characters, and whether you latch on to a recurring character or one who is unique to a single game, there are many to find a reflection of yourself in, even if not complete.

Personally, I identify most with the Link in Breath of the Wild, and I know you are thinking to yourself that he isn’t much of a character, but hear me out. Zelda’s Diary explains that “with so much at stake” and “with so many eyes upon him”, pre-Calamity Link is silent and stoic so that he “can silently bear any burden”, that he has stopped “outwardly expressing his thoughts and feelings”. Although my own struggles are different from an entire kingdom looking to Link to be their salvation and their perfect hero, I identify with the result of their expectations upon him. Being bullied at a young age, I started to keep quiet with the mentality that saying nothing was preferable to saying something and getting mocked because of it. For most of my life I have carried that mantra with me, even if subconsciously. It is the reason for my shyness, for my resting stoic face, and for my instinct to keep things bottled up inside. Like Link, it is hard for me to open up, and although I do show emotion, it is my default not to.

What character do you identify with most? Is it your favorite character? Why do you identify with them? Let us know in the comments below!

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