It is the iconic relic of the Zelda series, from the very beginning symbolizing the balance of courage, wisdom, and power. Although shown intact in games such as Skyward Sword and The Wind Waker, the Triforce is commonly split among three people, each of them a paragon of one particular trait. Ocarina of Time, in particular, explained the splitting of the Triforce as a result of Ganondorf being able to access it in the Sacred Realm. Because he touched it with his dark and unbalanced desires, he subsequently caused it to separate and house itself into the people that most embodied those traits. Courage went to Link and Wisdom went to Princess Zelda. Power remained with Ganondorf, left to him when he touched the Triforce, because that virtue was what he most believed in.

Ganondorf claiming power was a result of his ambition. Maybe you don’t intend on taking over the world or exacting revenge, but perhaps your own power can be seen through your ambition and drive. There is great power in empathy and taking action, as opposed to complacency and inaction fueled by apathy. The potential in the power of the individual and using that power for your own moral definition of good proves that if used with care, power does not always portend evil.

Additionally, there is wisdom, normally passed down among princesses of the Hylian Royal Family. The wisdom that Zelda has, allows her to make the right decisions, and to think logically as a leader of Hyrule. It might also help her strategically at times when she assists Link, as in The Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks. Her thinking centers upon helping others as well, a trait similar with Link, who is commonly associated with the Triforce of Courage.

On account of his unconditional heroism, Link goes headfirst into any danger in order to save others. He is slow to fear and quick to selflessness and exhibits a silent confidence through his actions. Although he has his moments of vulnerability, like in Skyward Sword, and moments where his recklessness takes a turn for the worse, as in Breath of the Wild, his courage proves timeless. Link’s bravery towards enemies of darkness, and innocent kindheartedness to help strangers of all races, makes him a true representation of our own ability to not cower in the face of fear.

As human beings we tend to be a mixture of these traits, however there is likely one that sticks out more than the others. Personally, I feel that I fit the Triforce of Wisdom the best. I consider myself inherently shy and additionally prone to procrastination and laziness, so by default it would be wisdom. Although flattering myself seems very strange, I feel I have a wise way with words and I know I tend to think very logically when it comes to solving problems. Like Zelda in Breath of the Wild, I like learning and studying in order to broaden my mind.

What piece of the Triforce fits you the best? Are you more courageous, wise, or powerful? Let us know in the comments below!

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