By now we all know the official timeline. If you don’t own Hyrule Historia yet (and why wouldn’t you in some form? It’s fairly inexpensive and the art alone makes it worth it) you have likely seen a scanned image of the timeline page, where everything is outlined. If you haven’t… we’ll include one further down in today’s debate. Still, for one reason or another many fans have often taken issue with the Official Timeline. It is “canon law” as they say, but it doesn’t mean that fans have to agree that it got it all correct. In fact, I know many fans argue the downfall timeline is really just a weak excuse in that of itself, let alone some game placements that feel… out of place.

Today’s debate is all about the Zelda Timeline and what you feel should be changed about it in the future. Should the timeline not be touched at all (outside of adding in the new games)? Why would you change it?

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