Saving Hyrule is a great responsibility, and one that should not be taken lightly. In the wake of disaster, Hylia’s chosen hero is called to action in various different ways. Whether it is due to them chasing the safety of a loved one or due to them realizing the expanse of the bigger picture from the start, all Links eventually face the ultimate test, which is pulling the Master Sword. The powerful blade is meant only for the chosen hero and thus, only they can pull it from the pedestal. But what makes a hero that is worthy of the Master Sword? What qualities are the most important?

Although all of Hyrule’s heroes so far have been blonde, blue-eyed, male in appearance, and named Link, those aren’t the qualities I’m referring to. I’m asking about the deeper things, their morals, their sense of honor, their level of responsibility, their courage, and their strength. What should they be fighting for? What should they value? What should they know? What should they have yet to learn? Which of these is the most important?

I think the most important quality in a Master Sword wielder is being level-headed in the face of danger. Of course fear is natural in those situations, but not letting that fear take control is vital. There’s a balance of courage that needs to happen, where the hero is neither overconfident nor timid. Reaching their full potential requires heroes to be above and beyond when it comes to facing obstacles without letting hesitation truly get to them.

What do you think? What is the most important quality of a hero of Hyrule? Would you be worthy of the Master Sword? Let us know in the comments below!

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