Camp out on the bridge until midnight, and Farosh appears out of the waters of Lake Hylia. Wait for that beautiful beast to come closer. Don’t get electrocuted. Take aim. Fire. Boom. Scale acquired; off to the Spring of Courage to make an offering to the Goddess and unlock the hidden shrine.

The dragons of Breath of the Wild — Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh — are not only absolutely breathtaking, but they actually play a role in their own respective shrine quests. Naydra, of course, has the most intense of quests, first appearing corrupted by Malice. Once those quests are complete and the shrines are conquered, the dragons remain, appearing as majestic spirits floating through the sky, and only seen by Hylia’s chosen hero.

Collecting their shards and scales lends to some extremely useful items and potent meals. Talk to Shay and discover that one of these creatures split a once-whole mountain in half, creating what is now Dueling Peaks. Bits and pieces of dragon lore can be found and put together, yet, much of their history and origin is largely left unspoken.

For me, personally, I think it would have been neat to know why they where there, or where they came from. As stated by Big Man Eiji Aonuma himself in the Nintendo Power Podcast, dragons often appear as the incarnations of gods in Japanese folklore. Maybe this could have been played on further, even if it was just a small part of building the land and history of Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule?

But, ultimately, does more need told about them? Did they even really have enough of a role to warrant history? What do you think? Should Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh have been given a more expanded and defined lore in Breath of the Wild? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Featured art by Katie Humes.

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