Obviously, rescuing Princess Zelda is your mandate in most Zelda games, with the exception of a few titles. The Zelda series was founded on this rescue mission, ever since its humble beginnings on the NES. Should you be rescuing the princess in Zelda U?

True to the title The Legend of Zelda, Princess Zelda has to be present in the game at some point, even if she is not a princess, like in Skyward Sword. Even still, there are endless missions that Link could be on in the land of Hyrule.

The player could simply be on a quest to purge the world of evil and to defeat the main villain controlling it. Instead of Zelda being the damsel in distress, she could aid you in your quest. Zelda doesn’t seem to be the type to stand by and watch evil consume the land. She seems very strong and outgoing, at least in games such as The Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.

Link could be on a mission to save someone completely different, perhaps the King of Hyrule or Navi!

He could be facing up against Majora in a quest to halt the moon’s destruction once more, or he could be trying to establish the kingdom of Hyrule. We don’t know for sure that the Hyrule Kingdom is established yet, as certain evidence points to Zelda U being a Skyward Sword prequel/sequel.

Would you like to once again rescue Princess Zelda, or would you like an entirely new mandate? It all depends on your tastes as an individual gamer. Whatever the case is, tell us in the comments below!

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