Alongside all of the other innovations Breath of the Wild brought to the Zelda series, it also saw the return of the Fire Rod (alongside various other elemental Rods). The Fire Rod’s first appearance was all the way back in A Link to the Past and, aside from one-offs here and there, magical items and weapons have been few and far between ever since. Some of the earlier 3D games featured a Magic Meter, but this was used mainly for spells, rather than weapons.

Breath of the Wild changed this, bringing a multitude of magic and elemental weapons, such as the Ice Rod, Thunder Rod, and the return of elemental arrows. Obviously the combat system within the game is a point of controversy, but perhaps the return of a more standard system in a future game could lend itself to a wider variety of magical items? Of course, we don’t have to be restricted to assigning various elements to sticks like flavors to ice cream – there are other possibilities for magic weapons. In the past we’ve seen Magic Capes, the Pegasus Boots, and even a Magical Boomerang (the Oracle games were something else). And, as with everything the Zelda team touches, there are endless possibilities that we couldn’t even dream of.

What do you think? Would you like to see a wider variety of magical weapons in a future Zelda title? What kind of weapons would you like to see return or be introduced in the future? Let us know in the comments!


This Daily Debate was inspired by @Lonk the Donk#7073 on the Zelda Dungeon Discord. If you have an idea for a Daily Debate that you would like to see published, join our Discord Channel and pitch it in #daily-debate!

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