Spoiler Warning: It is possible the comment section of this article could contain spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom in both pictures and words.  Please click at your own risk.

Tears of the Kingdom is a huge game.  It’s brimming with story, exploration, and combat content.  Collectibles?  It’s got those too!  There’s so much to do in this game that many players would welcome a handy tool to keep track of their progress.  As such, many players land on Zelda Dungeon’s Interactive Map when they search for options to do just that.  This map of Hyrule has locations, descriptions, guides, and more, and allows you to save data as you mark things on and off its interface.  It’s the perfect tool for any Zelda fan!

Of course, not everybody utilises an interactive map, and some prefer to just take the game as it comes.  If they happen upon a Shrine, then great!  And if they don’t?  Well, maybe they’ll come across it some other time.  Personally, I’m determined that I won’t miss out on anything Tears of the Kingdom has to offer, and I think an interactive map is the perfect, hassle-free way to stay on top of things in the game!

What about you?  Do you utilise an interactive map while playing Tears of the Kingdom?  Let us know in the comments below!

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