Easter Eggs can be a pretty cool part of video games, although I feel like there is a fine line between those that work, and those that don’t. I think as the Zelda series has progressed, it’s effectively included Easter Eggs gradually. The series has perhaps come a long way from Link’s Awakening; the series’ first attempt at adding Easter Eggs. However, I think the inclusion of Super Mario Bros. Easter Eggs in the game might have broke immersion for some players.

I typically enjoy Easter Eggs that are self-contained within an in-game universe just as much as more off-the-wall ones. Seeing the return of old characters from previous games never bothers me, and it doesn’t feel like too much of a stretch. However, when Easter Eggs from other franchises are being implemented, there is potential for things to get odd. I completely understand seeing characters from Super Mario Bros. in a Zelda game and disliking that. Prior to someone never playing Link’s Awakening, or seeing footage of it, they’d probably never imagine Goombas and Thwomps appearing as enemies in the game. Their inclusion also opens up a can of worms, because regardless of the game taking place within a dream, what is seen is obviously an interweave of The Wind Fish’s consciousness mixed with Link’s. With that in mind, it could be posited that one of them actually saw characters from Super Mario Bros. in their travels. As much as I like Zelda theories, I’m not a fan of the idea of merging Nintendo franchises in such a way, and I think other Zelda fans feel the same.

So, did you feel Super Mario Bros. characters broke immersion for you in Link’s Awakening? Did you maybe enjoy their inclusion instead, and would you like to see a similar approach to Easter Eggs in newer Zelda games? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

This Daily Debate wasn’t inspired by just any jabroni, it comes from the man himself, ZD’s Editor-in-Chief, Andy ‘Heel’ Spiteri


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