When entering Lon Lon Ranch for the first time as a young, pre-pubescent Link we are immediately greeted by the soft tune of Epona’s song. As one of Ocarina of Time‘s many memorable melodies, Epona’s song is one that many fans hold close to their heart. Another memory which fans cherish also takes place on Lon Lon ranch, although this time around Link has grown seven years older. The moment, which any Zelda fan who has witnessed it will never truly forget, takes place when you use the horse after which the song is named, Epona, to escape Lon Lon Ranch. A sense of freedom that strong cannot easily be emulated.

Nostalgia aside, Epona has quite an interesting backstory. While Epona herself has appeared in just 3 Zelda games to date, it’s the origin of her given name that causes Gaijin Goomba to well… deliver some interesting tidbits. In his newest entry to the Culture Shock series, he covers Epona’s Irish roots, and how she is linked to Myth and Folklore. The video is definitely worth watching, revealing even some facts you would not expect. I guess Culture Shock truly does live up to its name.

Be sure to check out the full video above! What do you think of Epona’s roots? Hit us up in the comments!

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