There have been a number of opinions shared about Link’s Awakening for Switch since its release in September this year. Most reviews were positive, a few were negative, and some were middle of the road. However, it’s likely there were none quite like this one from NormalBoots!

At the beginning of November, NormalBoots uploaded a Drunk History style explanation of Link’s Awakening. The inebriated storytellers don’t dive into the history of the game like the allusion to Drunk History might lead you to believe, but they certainly follow the drunk aspect! PeanutButterGamer holds little back with his thoughts and opinions on the Link’s Awakening remake as he ranks it among other Zelda titles. He covers everything from Marin to the dungeons, with items and cut-scenes in-between. If you’d prefer to see the non-inebriated version of the Link’s Awakening review, check it out here.

All in all, this drunk explanation of Link’s Awakening is well described as “a different take on the game”. If you don’t mind the constant stream of alcohol and the appearance of some cute doggos halfway through the video, it’s absolutely worth checking out. Doggos aside, I think the best part was when the discussion of Link’s Awakening’s placement on the timeline came up. It was quite the moment!

What did you think of the inebriated opinions in this explanation of Link’s Awakening? Let us know in the comments below, or chat about it over on our Discord!

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