Speculation on where Breath of the Wild fits into the Zelda timeline has been endless, but SourceGaming has a new proposal that accounts for the many contradictory timeline clues presented in the game. The theory assumes that Breath of the Wild takes place in a separate (but related) timeline, and that the other Zelda games are equivalent in Breath of the Wild’s world to ancient mythology in earth’s history. Honestly, it makes a lot of sense.

Originally, SourceGaming agreed with other theorists that Breath of the Wild existed in the Fallen timeline. But, after all of the DLC and the Master Works book were released, that didn’t quite fit. The dual axis timeline theory, on the other hand, explains how Midna’s once-destroyed helmet, countless Koroks, and references to sages from Ocarina of Time can all exist simultaneously. When the previous Zelda games truly are legend, inconsistencies are justifiable.

The same way that humans believed the stories of King Arthur and the Greek gods, the people of Hyrule believe in the hero of legend and the golden Goddesses. These stories passed down orally for generations could be based in fact, or made up to explain phenomena or teach lessons. Either way, culturally significant stories would inspire replication of described artifacts and the naming of locations after the important figures in them.

When little advancement takes place after 10,000 years have supposedly passed, the idea that the current culture is reflecting itself in its mythos makes reasonable sense. And the quote SourceGaming shares from the Master Works book all but confirms the theory. This is concept is wildly compelling and carries with it some crazy implications. If all of the Zelda games up to this point have been cultural myths played out, what can be considered fact and what fiction?

What do you think of the dual timeline theory? Do you think it’s the best explanation of Breath of the Wild’s placement, or is there a better one? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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