Few websites compare to Etsy by way of unique, personalized, and hand-crafted gifts and knick knacks that are ready for purchase. Etsy is also filled with numerous Zelda-inspired merchandise. From stickers to cookbooks, creators on Etsy craft high-quality objects, like these wonderful Bottle necklaces and ornaments.

Created by MythOfTheWild, these customized Heart and Korok accessories will fill your heart with glee. You can opt for either a necklace, a hanging ornament, or a standing ornament that comes with your choice of either a traditional Zelda Heart or an ever-so-joyful Korok. The Korok comes in two colors, one the traditional green and the other a beautiful red, reminiscent of Autumn leaves.

Both the Korok and Heart necklaces come in a classic Zelda Milk Bottle seen throughout the series, and are available for $24.99 USD. There is another option available for the Heart necklace which comes in a different shaped bottle. This one sells for slightly less at $22.20 USD. Hanging ornaments sell for $24.30 USD a piece, and a standing ornament for $23.60 USD.

Another option is available for those who have a favorite Korok. There is a customizable Korok necklace and ornament, and the price is contingent on the customizations you choose. The customization options start at $29.20 USD, and it allows you to choose the perfect Korok that will come in the necklace or ornament.

What do you think of these Korok and Heart accessories? Will you be purchasing one for yourself or a loved one for the Holidays? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: MythOfTheWild

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