Just like last week, let’s start off with a big loud SPOILER WARNING for this weeks episode! As the name implies, we are going to be breaking down and analyzing every Dragon Tear cutscene in the game, so please exercise caution if you haven’t completed the Geoglyph quest yet! With that out of the way, we are diving in depth to the Dragon Tears to discuss what we thought of the way the story was told, how Nintendo might better balance open world versus storytelling in the future, what our thoughts on key characters like Rauru, Sonia, and Ganondorf are, our predictions for the DLC and how it might tie into the mysterious dragons, and of course, our thoughts on the grand plan devised by Princess Zelda.

All this, PLUS we give our thoughts on the recent Nintendo Direct and talk about what we’re looking forward to playing soon! Don’t miss out on this action packed episode!




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