“Ben Drowned” Documentary

Have you ever heard of the creepypasta called “Ben Drowned” by Jadusable? If not, you can find the full story, plus the very creepy YouTube videos that follow along with the story here.

At the time a lot of people mistakenly believed the “Ben drowned” videos were meant to be taken as actual events (a story of a haunted Majora’s Mask cartridge that kills its players).
Recently, YouTube user Yuriofwind has uploaded a video, stating a few facts regarding the background story, debunking the misunderstandings. However, he fails to mention that the author of the creepypasta revealed that the whole thing was meant to be an “alternate reality game.” Check out the video after the jump (caution: vulgar language).

I remember the first time I read the creepypasta “Ben Drowned”. With Majora’s Mask being my favorite game, the story scared me for days to come. How did it affect you guys?

Also, how do you feel now that you know? Did you ever believe in the story? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: YouTube

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