YouTube user Sp0ntanius has just released a brand new Zelda cover. As usual his videos are not quite a performance, but clips of his musicianship edited together to create something far more original and fun. This rendition of Ballad of the Wind Fish is played on children’s toys, though the full moon cello in the top right is rather adult looking; as a former cellist I would know. I especially like the drum that he uses and really appreciate how similar the video is to the actual scene from Link’s Awakening. Sp0ntanius himself even flips back and forth like Link does! Click ‘Read More’ for a video of the scene from Link’s Awakening to see how accurate this video really is!

Pretty amazing, huh? Clearly Sp0ntanius is talented both with music and with video editing. This is my favorite video so far, but let us know which of his videos is your favorite. Also, I’m glad that Sp0ntanius recognizes that Link’s Awakening is the greatest Zelda title to date. 😉 Let us know what you think of the video in the comments.

Sorted Under: Link's Awakening