Author: David Nystrom

||  Part Sixty-Seven  ||  Part Sixty-Nine  || Part Sixty-Eight Twilight was lingering over the mountains, casting long and dark shadows across the grounds of the North Castle. This made the approach easier for Osmond, Fado, and Huron. The trio tiptoed their way along the water’s edge and found themselves directly underneath the stone bridge that led to the main landing. “Where’s this entrance?” Huron asked in a whisper. “There’re supposedly three windows, one in each cardinal direction. We’ll have to…

||  Part Sixty-Six  ||  Part Sixty-Eight  || Part Sixty-Seven They rested until the first lights of the morning sun were illuminating the sky. Then, the trio gathered their gear and emerged from the bridge. The road north was the same that Osmond had ridden in on a few short weeks ago before they’d departed for Kingdom Bay. There was a small scar on Osmond’s arm that he had begun to feel more in the time since coming to the North…

||  Part Sixty-Five  ||  Part Sixty-Seven  || Part Sixty-Six Huron grabbed a moblin by its collar and hurled him through a house. Then, with tremendous speed, he charged in and slammed his shoulder into the monster before it could fully recover. As Huron stepped back out into the street, the house shook as the sound of a bomb erupted over the other noise. A sense of worry came over the Sage of Fire. Was that Liam? What if it was…

||  Part Sixty-Four  ||  Part Sixty-Six  || Part Sixty-Five In a flash the soldier reached across his body and pulled his sword free. He slashed at Osmond’s chest with the blade, but Osmond leapt back before the blade could break his skin. Osmond retaliated with a powerful swing downward. The soldier deflected it and brought his heel up and into Osmond’s stomach. Osmond bounced into the crate behind him, then spun away as the soldier attacked again. With the soldier’s…

||  Part Sixty-Three  ||  Part Sixty-Five  || Part Sixty-Four A splash of water exploded over Liam’s beaten and bruised face. His eyes were swollen shut and he could barely breathe. He tried to lift his head, but his arms were bound directly above him, and the pain caused by moving proved too much. The little bit of light that shone into the cell provided him with just enough light to see his naked body covered in sweat and blood. “You’re…

||  Part Sixty-Two  ||  Part Sixty-Four  || Part Sixty-Three A crescent moon hung in the dark sky. Stars dotted the backdrop, and the salty spray of the bay filled the air as Osmond stood on the deck. Fado emerged from below deck and joined the knight looking out over the water. “He’s resting now. Fredrick says he’ll watch over him to allow us a head start.” Osmond nodded. He and Fado were prepared to head to Goron City and leave…

||  Part Sixty-One ||  Part Sixty-Three || Part Sixty-Two Osmond dashed forward and swung his sword at the soldier, but a shield raised in defense halted his attack. A nearby soldier lowered a spear and thrust it toward Osmond. He dodged, allowing the spear tip to strike the shield. Osmond pushed against the shield, forcing its holder backward, and then hooked his arm around the spear and twisted, freeing the weapon. Liam had taken on the captain, swinging the razor…

||  Part Sixty  ||  Part Sixty-Two  || Part Sixty-One My sword… Where is my sword… “Come with me,” he heard the woman say. When she spoke this time, her voice was cold and cruel. He tried to protest and resist, but she gripped his arm and led him to a passage in the back. A flight of stairs led him below and soon he found himself in a narrow stone hallway. The smell of water and rock filled his nostrils,…

||  Part Fifty-Nine ||  Part Sixty-One || Part Sixty “My liege,” the soldier placed his fist over his heart and bowed low. Adok lifted his head and plucked a tomato from the bowl in his hands. He stared down at the still bowing soldier. “I must apologize for the failure of my men. No remains of Lord Huron have been found and so I’m afraid he may have survived.” “May have? Why can’t you confirm?” “We couldn’t find any remains…

||  Part Fifty-Eight  ||  Part Sixty  || Part Fifty-Nine “Cannons!” Ralphine shouted. He had witnessed the same gruesome scene and was wasting no time. His men set to the cannons below deck as quickly as they could. The undead pirate leaped up into the air and landed on the deck just behind Fado and Osmond. It drew its sword and began to approach them. Osmond was quick though and drew his own blade. In one swing he cut through the…