Attendees at Zelda Symphony Claim to Have Streetpassed Someone Playing Twilight Princess 3D
Posted on April 19 2015 by Nathanial Rumphol-Janc
Update: A photo discovered on the timeline of twitter user ChrisX930, a friend of the original poster, three days earlier shows that the arrival of Twilight Princess 3D was merely a hack.
Is Twilight Princess 3D happening? We’ve had it rumored in the past but haven’t really heard anything since… until now. It appears folks at a recent Zelda Symphony performance streetpassed someone playing Twilight Princess 3D – presumably someone that works for Nintendo at the event. We have multiple pictures taken of the streetpass seemingly confirming it. Obviously this could be a big ruse, but we have reputable people mentioning it, such as the folks behind Nintendo Domination. So we can’t be 100% certain, but this is the biggest suggestion we’ve had that this is happening. Since this wasn’t announced in the previous Nintendo Direct, it could have been something they were saving for E3.
With the recent sales success of Majora’s Mask 3D combined with remake sales of Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker, it really shouldn’t come as a surprise. They recently released Xenoblade Chronicles on the New Nintendo 3DS, proving as well that Gamecub/Wii games could realistically be ported to the New 3DS hardware.
Source: Twitter 1, 2, 3, 4, Destructoid