Eiji Aonuma has revealed in an interview with Engadget that Nintendo plans to change the concept of using items in A Link Between Worlds and the upcoming brand new title for Wii U. Aonuma showed Engadget in a private A Link Between Worlds demo (unlike the E3 showfloor version) how items will be utilized differently compared to previous Zelda titles and how they will allow the gamer to explore more than ever.

You can read what Mr. Aonuma had to say after the jump!

“We’re trying to find new ways to play. Not only the kinds of items you find, but how you use those items. I want to give the player more freedom. I want them to be able to explore more.”

“The concept of the item will be completely different than what you’ve experienced before.”

It’s very interesting to note that Engadget was shown a “private” demo that no one else on the E3 showfloor was able to experience. Hopefully, Mr. Aonuma delivers on his word and gives us a more innovative way to use items for the full benefit of each game.

What do you think of Mr. Aonuma’s quote on item conception? Are you excited to see the full potential of A Link Between Worlds and Zelda Wii U? Are you excited to hear about more freedom and exploration opportunities? Let us know what you think below!

Source: Engadget

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds