Two Awesome Majora’s Mask Replicas

MM2A replica prop maker named Tobias Lungaard Larson has made some truly impressive models of Majora’s Mask from the Zelda game of the same name. Over the course of eight months, Tobius has created very detailed molds of the mask and has painted one in the original color scheme, and the other in what he calls a “dark” style.

Check out the final products after the jump!



I always love seeing more Majora’s Mask replicas pop up on the web every now and then, but it is nice to see the creators take some creative liberties with them, like with this Dark Mask design. I could imagine it being something Dark Link would wear. The detail put into both models is fantastic, and I would very much like to see more from Tobius in the future.

You can also check out his website for the step-by-step process of making the masks, as well as a shop page where you can buy an unpainted mask casting so that you can make your own!

So what do you guys think? What other Zelda stuff should this prop-maker make next? Leave a comment!

Source: reddit

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask