Tag: zero

As if the original Link to the Past 16-bit soundtrack weren’t amazing enough to hear during your playthroughs of the SNES classic, some fans just couldn’t help but make the tracks even better than you remember. That’s right, this fanmade patch contains wonderfully orchestrated soundtrack to make your nostalgic adventure that much more enjoyable. You can hear the differences from the demo after jump.

The Escapist : Zero Punctuation : The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Zero Punctuation, a comedic game reviewer famous for berating games with a fast paced British accent, has recently reviewed Ocarina of Time 3D. He does compliment the game on occasion during his 5 minute review, but for the most part he makes fun of the game. Not content with that, he continues on to criticize both the N64 and 3DS both. He also manages to get…