Tag: Xbox

A few days back the official Xbox Twitter Account tweeted about the Legend of Zelda series. Wait, what? Yes, you heard that right, Xbox is talking about Zelda. As part of their #MyFavoriteGame campaign, they asked their fans, “If you could only play one Zelda game forever, which would it be?” Alongside the question, Microsoft posted a video response from Gersh, one of the workers for Xbox, and he talks about his favorite video game, Ocarina of Time. Make the…

Apparently even Microsoft can appreciate the impact The Legend of Zelda has had on gamers, even though it isn’t one of their franchises. The official Xbox Facebook page has been caught mentioning Nintendo’s popular fantasy adventure series in a recent post, and -believe it or not- the reference wasn’t meant as a snub. Could this be an example of a major game company showing a token of goodwill to it’s competition? Find out after the jump.